The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Be Bear Aware This Spring

Jul 17, 2024

​This spring we are experiencing increased bear activity on and near the Reservation. When you are out in the woods it is a good idea to carry bear spray. To minimize conflicts between bears and humans, consider these essential steps for bearproofing your home:

Bearproofing your home:
1. Secure Garbage: Store it securely and clean cans to remove food odors.
2. Bear-Resistant Containers: Use them to deter bears from scavenging.
3. Pet Food and Stock Feed: Keep them indoors.
4. Bird Feeders: Encourage birds naturally and avoid feeders between April 15 and November 15.
5. Avoid Feeding Wildlife: Don’t feed deer, turkeys, or small mammals.
6. Secure Chicken Coops: Use electric fencing.
7. Deter Bears: Make noise to scare them away if they approach.
8. Secure Compost Piles: Prevent bears from being drawn to rotting food.
9. Grill Maintenance: Clean it thoroughly after each use.
10. Picnic Cleanup: Ensure thorough cleanup after picnics.
11. Fruit Trees: Don’t let fruit rot on the ground.
12. Secure Livestock: Use covered enclosures, electric fencing, and minimize odors.
13. Protect Beehives: Install electric fencing where allowed.
14. Educate Others: Talk to neighbors and kids about bear safety.
15. Garage Doors: Keep them closed to prevent bear entry.

By following these precautions, you help ensure safety for both humans and bears during this active season. If you have questions or need more information, please reach out to us.

For information on bear identification please visit:

Bart George: / 509.447.7274
Mike Lithgow: / 509.370.8794

Stay safe and bear-aware!