The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Conserving Our Land, Water, Air & Wildlife

The Kalispel Natural Resources Department aims to be responsible stewards of the Kalispel Tribe, to help maintain, restore and care for our community and ecosystem.

Recent Projects

The Kalispel People once occupied land in North East Washington the panhandle of Idaho and North West Montana. This landscape was very productive and supported the Kalispel people. Through strategic acquisition of property we have made great strides in restoring these lands to productive habitat.

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The Pend Oreille Basin is a land rich in cold clear water. This remote corner of Washington, Idaho and Montana is resilient but we must work to ensure that we do not lose this crucial resource.

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The Kalispel Tribe takes protecting our air quality  seriously. So seriously in fact, that we successfully petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to change the airshed designation over the reservation from a Class 2 to a Class 1. This extra protection from air pollution will help protect future generations from the impacts of industrial air pollution.

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The streams and rivers once teamed with Bull Trout, Westslope Cutthroat and Mountain Whitefish. These fish provided a dependable source of clean protein for the people of the Pend Oreille.  The development of hydroelectric dams has devastated these native fish populations, but we are working hard with our partners to provide fish passage and improve fish habitat.

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The Pend Oreille River Valley is home to abundant and diverse populations of wild animals.  These wild animals provided many of the things that the Kalispel People needed to survive. Hides for clothes and tepees and meat for food came from the deer, elk, bears that roam this wild place.

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News Updates

Cougar Study

The Kalispel Tribe’s Reservation is located in prime deer and elk winter range and supports healthy big game populations. Those “big game” animals, primarily deer, elk and moose are beneficial…

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Prescribed Burns in 2022

The Kalispel Tribe’s Wildland Fire Fighting Team and Forestry staff take pride in applying fire to the landscape. Prescribed fire is a conservation tool that can provide habitat and reduce…

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