The Kalispel Tribe owns and operates more than a dozen businesses and enterprises in and around the Pend Oreille area.

We believe in building a strong community and our economic development opportunities emphasize our commitment to the land and people.

Our Air


We Have Clean Air

We’re Working Hard to Keep it that Way

Even though the air in our area is relatively clean, that does not mean that our quality is not under attack. Under the Federal Clean Air Act our clean air can be polluted through a permitting process. There are limits to the level of this air pollution, and this makes areas like ours, targets for large polluting industries. These dirty industries need to find areas that have room between the current levels of pollution and the limits identified in the Clean Air Act.

mountains obscured by wildfire smoke

Wildfire Impacts to Air Quality

Check Out This Link for Air Quality Information –

Local Air Quality Monitors –

EPA Wildfire Presentation – Five Steps to Smoke Safety

Building a Box Fan Air Filter

Once it’s Gone, it’s Hard to Get Back

What being a Class I Airshed Means

The Kalispel Tribe has effectively reduced the amount of future air pollution on the Reservation, by changing our airshed designation from a class two to a class one designated airshed. Class 1 airsheds are afforded the highest level of protection under the Clean Air Act. This is a great victory for clean air and will help protect our future generations from the impacts of dirty air.